Thank you all for your amazing submissions for the Joy project in February!!! I LOVED reading them all this month and last!! I am so excited to announce that the winners of February's Joy Project are the Ayers family!! They will receive a photo session with session disk and mini-accordion album with Lana Marie Photography! We are going to be taking their pictures in March (hopefully you will forgive us for not posting pictures in February!) Their story was submitted by Dana Smith who will also be receiving a $100 gift certificate towards a Lana Marie Photography session! So without further ado (SORRY this is taken so long guys and gals) Here is their story (written by Dana)
I would like to nominate a family my husband and I met on our way to Elmendorf Air Force Base. We met Tim and Heidi, waiting in line to get on the ferry, all of us instantly had a connection, ( besides the obvious that we were Air Force, and going to the same place) from the moment we met them, we never felt like acquaintances!
I figured once we got to base, we would split ways and likely never see one another again. Boy was I wrong! Two days later, Heidi sent me a text message asking me if we had yet went to housing, and several other things, attempting to help us get our ducks in a row.
Once settled in our houses, I got pregnant not only were we excited... but Tim and Heidi were though the roof! I can't even tell you how many times I was checked on!... Once I found out the sex, I suprised them with a cake ( the one you cut into to find out the sex...its blue or pink on the inside) they were thrilled! They are the only friends we have made here so far, and I couldn't have picked any better friends to have and to share major life events with!
The thing with Tim and Heidi is this... They aren't just good to my family and I... they are good to everyone! They both go out of their way to help people. I couldn't think of anyone more deserving than these hard working people!
I am so excited to meet them this weekend!!! We have a very special session planned for them and I can't wait to share some sneak peeks!
Don't forget....we will be announcing the Joy Project winner for the Month of March on Wednesday or Thursday of this week! Get those last minute submissions in and we will be contacting you soon! Enjoy this absolutely beautiful sunshine Alaska!