This blog has seen its days of neglect, but man, this insane like weather (frenzied wind and rain sometimes even flooding!) has thrown us for a loop time and time again this season. We have moved locations, changed schools, and had some amazing new clients!! ..However, as much as I love all of you all a capturing your memories, it has allowed me and my family to create some amazing memories baking, making soup, drinking cider, hiking, and getting wind blown (sometimes pelted with rain haha!) outside with the beautiful foliage that Alaska has to offer. We haven't taken all that many pictures (can you believe that?) but we have taken a couple...Here is a peek of our last couple of weeks.

This is one last picture was taken by my amazingly sweet husband of me insisting I wasn't on the right side of the camera ;) Love that man.SO if we haven't met (I sure hope to soon!)....here's a little sneak peek into the life of Lana Marie :) Thank you all for all of your love and support this season and especially being so flexible! More blogs to come....like I said this poor blog was seriously crying due to neglect...