I want to talk about being grateful for a second. I cannot fully express in words how much I love and am grateful to be posting this post. Because of how amazingly, ridiculously, wonderful the people in this post are......I was able to travel and see them and spend time with them. Because of the people in this post....I am a better wife, mother, friend, and Christian. Many of them have been with our family through so many of the laughs and some of the tears of life. Words cannot express how thankful I am that God sent them into my life everyday no matter where in the world we are. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everyday I thank God for you all. I am saddened only that not everyone is pictured here, but you all know who you are!! Thank you for your hugs and love from Alaska!

Lana, we are all so blessed to be a part of your life as well! That was so sweet of you to mention us GA folks in your blog! We miss you & that awesome family of yours dearly!